
Customers understand and are more concerned about privacy than ever before.

We offer a range of privacy services designed to assure customers that trust and privacy are central to your business and that their personal data is protected and used appropriately.

Privacy Advisory

Developing and maintaining digital trust in a complex legal, technological and security environment can be challenging.

Fortian’s privacy advisory services assist clients in making the best privacy decisions based on an assessment of their current legal, security and technology environment and risks, and in the context of organisational goals and budget.

Privacy Impact Assessments

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) identifies the privacy impact of a project, along with ways to manage that impact.  PIAs are advised when introducing new technologies or products that impact personal information. When published, PIAs can improve trust.

Fortian’s PIA methodology builds upon guidelines issued by Australian and other privacy authorities. We assess the risk of non-compliance with legislation but also broader privacy implications and best practice.  Most importantly, our deep technical and security expertise ensures that privacy is not looked at in isolation but also through security and technology lenses.

Privacy Assurance

Fortian’s privacy assurance services are designed to provide clients with an end-to-end overview of their privacy posture and key privacy risks, to enable remediation. We focus on governance, policies, procedures, training, risk frameworks, culture and technology, with particular attention paid to repositories of sensitive personal information.

In delivering privacy assurance services, Fortian applies a blended technology, IT security and privacy skillset to ensure a holistic examination of key risks.  We consider this a unique but necessary approach, given the strong interdependencies between these areas.


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